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Grappling is an opposed roll between the attacker and defender’s Athletics. If the attacker wins, the foe is Entangled. With a raise, he’s Bound. (Success on a foe who was already Entangled makes him Bound.) See Bound & Entangled.

If a foe is Bound, the grappler is also Vulnerable while maintaining his hold.

The Gang Up bonus applies when grappling a defender, but other maneuvers don’t unless the Game Master rules otherwise in a specific situation.

Size Matters: If there’s a difference in Scale between the attacker and defender, the grappler subtracts the difference from his total (the defender does not).

Creatures may not generally grapple a foe more than two Sizes larger than themselves unless they have exceptional reach or Strength for their Size (GM’s call).

Crush: As an action, a grappler may make a Strength roll as damage against a target he has Entangled or Bound. (This is a damage roll so Scale modifiers are ignored.)