Isikali Traits
- Cold Blooded You subtract 1 from Agility, Strength, and Vigor rolls after spending more than ten minutes in temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. You also Suffer a -4 penalty to resist cold and take +4 damage from cold.
- Regeneration Make a natural healing roll once per day (rather than every five days)
- Mobility Choose one of the following options:
- Aquatic You cannot drown and can move full pace when swimming.
- Wall Walker Walk on vertical surfaces normally, and inverted surfaces at half Pace.
- Quickfooted Your pace increases by 2 and your running die by 1 die type.
- Natural Weapon Choose one of the following options:
- Strong Jaw. You can bite as a natural weapon that deals damage equal to your Strength plus d6 with Armor Piercing 2.
- Poisonous Bite. You can bite as a natural weapon that deals damage equal to your Strength plus d4. The target must make a Vigor roll or suffer the effects of mild Poison. You may administer a concentrated dose of your venom, forcing the target to suffer a -2 penalty to his Vigor roll, but doing so causes you Fatigue.
- Poison Spit. With a successful Athletics roll as a limited action, you spit poison at a target up to 6“ (12 yards away). The target must make a Vigor roll or suffer the effects of Disabling Poison. You may concentrate this poison to give the target a -2 to their Vigor roll at the cost of you taking Fatigue.
- Scales Choose an option:
- Rockscale Gain a +4 bonus to armor.
- Shifting Your scales allow you to effortlessly blend in with her natural surroundings within any terrain type gaining a +2 to Stealth (+4 if motionless).
- Regenerative Permanent injuries may be recovered once all other Wounds are regenerated as you can regrow damaged or lost limbs. You also gain a +1 bonus to Toughness.