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Fairy Traits

  • Tiny You are Tiny, and have a size of -4. Your max Strength is d4 and you get a -4 penalty from Toughness and damage rolls. Gear made for tiny characters weighs a tenth of the listed value. Minimum Str for tiny armor is reduced by 4 die types. You cannot use standard equipment and must have some especially made for your tiny size.
  • Fairy Foibles Fairies are known for a variety of foibles, typically having the major Hindrance Curious and one minor hindrance such as Big Mouth or All Thumbs. You may swap these out for any combination of 3 points of hindrances.
  • Fairy Dust You gain the Gifted Arcane Background and any power of your choice that is associated with your use of fairy dust.
  • Body Type Choose a body type for your little folk:
    • Gossamer Wings You can fly at Pace 12 and “run” as usual, but have a -1 penalty to your Parry.
    • Grasshopper Legs Your pace increases by 2 and your running die increases by a die type. You also can jump twice as far as usual, and add +4 to damage when leaping as part of a Wild Attack instead of the usual +2
    • Webbed Extremities You are native to the water, cannot drown, and can move full pace when swimming. You also have Infravision and can “see” heat. This halves Illumination penalties when attacking warm targets (including invisible beings)
    • Racing Heart Your pace increases by 4 and your running die goes up by 2 die types. You also increase your Agility die and its maximum by 1 die type. You also have an additional -1 to Toughness.