Constructed Traits
- Artificial Form. You are an artificial being made of inorganic material. Add +2 to recover from being Shaken, ignore one level of Wound modifiers, don't breathe, and are immune to disease and poison. Wounds must be mended via the Repair skill. Each attempt takes one hour per current Wound level and ignores the “Golden Hour”.
- Power Source. You must consume or have contact with some sort of relatively common substance for an hour out of every 24. Without the required contact, a character becomes Fatigued each day until Incapacitated. A day after that, they perish. Each hour spent recovering restores a level of Fatigue. Choose the power source that best fits your constructed character's origins and function.
- Unusual Shape. You subtract 2 from Trait rolls when using equipment that wasn't specifically designed for you and cannot wear traditional armor or clothing.