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Adharita Traits

  • Photosynthetic Adharita must be within sunlight for at least one hour out of every 24. Without this, they become Fatigued each day until Incapacitated. A day after that, they perish. Each hour spent recovering restores a level of Fatigue. They also do not need to breathe or sleep in the traditional way, gaining sustenance through this, water, and being in soil.
  • Plant Form When in areas with similar plants, Adharita gain a +2 bonus to Stealth checks. +4 if they remain motionless.
  • Unusual Shape You are unable to wear and use most equipment, subtracting 2 from Trait rolls when using any equipment not specifically made for Adharita.
  • Fleshless Called shots do not deal you extra damage.
  • Plant Type Choose one of the following for a more specific abilities related to the kind of plant you resemble:
    • Arboreal You gain a +2 bonus to your size, increasing your Toughness by 2 and giving you a maximum Strength of d12+2. You also gain a +2 bonus to your armor.
    • Ironbark You gain a +4 bonus to your armor and a +1 bonus to your size.
    • Flowering You gain the Gifted Arcane Background and a Power of your choice with trappings that reflect the natural plant origin of your abilities.
    • Vines Your reach increases by 1 and you can walk on vertical surfaces normally, and inverted surfaces at half Pace.
    • Thorned Your body has thorns you can use as a natural weapon. Choose a type of thorn:
      • Piercing Thorn Your thorns deal STR + d4 damage and have an Armor Piercing value of 2.
      • Poisoned Thorn Your thorns deal STR + d4 damage and the target of your attacks must make a Vigor roll or suffer the effects of a basic poison. You may suffer Fatigue in order to increase the potency of this poison, giving the target a -2 penalty to their vigor roll.
    • Leafy Your Size is -1, giving you a Toughness penalty of -1. You can, with a successful Athletics roll, throw a poisonous leaf at a target up to 6“ (12 yards) away as a limited action. The target must make a Vigor roll or suffer the effects of Disabling Poison.
    • Custom Use these as a guideline to gain an additional minor ability related to your plant body instead of the above options.