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Ranged Weapons

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Ranged Weapons


Name Range Damage AP ROF Min Str. Weight Cost
Short Bow 12/24/48 2d6 1 d6 2 30
Long Bow 15/30/60 2d6 1 1 d8 3 75
Composite Bow 12/24/48 Str+d6 1 1 d6 3 100


Name Range Damage AP ROF Min Str. Weight Cost
Hand Crossbow 5/10/20 2d4 1 d4 2 20
Note: Reload 1. A one-handed, pistol-like crossbow.
Repeating Hand Crossbow 5/10/20 2d4 2 d4 3 160
Note: Reload 1 for a case of 5 bolts, or 1 for a single bolt. Incurs Recoil penalty.
Light Crossbow 10/20/40 2d6 2 1 d6 5 35
Note: Reload 1. Hand-drawn.
Repeating Light Crossbow 10/20/40 2d6 2 1 d6 8 250
Note: Reload 1 for a case of 5 bolts, or 1 for a single bolt. Incurs Recoil penalty.
Heavy Crossbow 15/30/60 2d8 2 1 d6 8 50
Requires a windlass to load. Reload 2.
Repeating Heavy Crossbow 15/30/61 2d8 2 1 d8 12 400
Note: Reload 2 for a “quick load” case of 5 bolts, or Reload 2 for a single bolt.

Other Ranged Weapons

Name Range Damage AP ROF Min Str. Weight Cost
Blowgun 3/6/12 d4-2 1 d4 1 2
Weighted Net 3/6/12 1 d4 8 20
Note: A successful hit means the target is Entangled. The net is Hardness 10 and only vulnerable to cutting attacks. This uses Athletics as a thrown weapon.
Sling 4/8/16 Str+d4 1 d4 1
Note: Despite only being ranged, this uses Athletics as a thrown weapon would.
Bolas 3/6/12 Str+d4 1 d4 2 5
Note: A target hit with a raise is Entangled. Bolas are Hardness 8. Uses Athletics as a thrown weapon.

Thrown Melee Weapons

Name Range Damage AP ROF Min Str. Weight Cost
Chakram 4/8/16 Str+d4 1 d4 1 1
Dagger 3/6/12 Str+d4 1 d4 1 2
Hand Axe 3/6/12 Str+d6 1 d6 3 6
Short Spear/Javelin 4/8/16 Str+d6 1 d6 3 1
Shuriken 3/6/12 Str+d4 1 d4 1
Spear 3/6/12 Str+d6 1 d6 6 2
Trident 3/6/12 Str+d6 1 d6 4 15

Powder Weapons

Type Range Damage AP ROF Min Str. Weight Cost Special
Blunderbuss 10/20/1940 1-3d6 1 d6 12 300 Reload 2. See Shotguns for additional rules.
Flintlock Pistol 5/10/2020 2d6+1 1 d4 3 150 Reload 2
Musket 10/20/1940 2d8 1 d6 15 300 Reload 2


Type Cost Weight Notes
Arrows 1/20 arrows 3 lbs/20 arrows For all types of bows
Bolts 1/10 bolts 1 lb/10 bolts For all types of crossbows
Darts 1/20 darts For use with blowgun only
Flammable Arrows/Bolts 1 per arrow/bolt 3 lbs/20 arrows Half normal Range, +1d6 damage, may ignite flammable items
Shot (w/powder) 1/10 shots 0.5 lbs/10 For black powder weapons
Sling Stones 1/50 stones 1 lbs/20 stones Polished stones for slings