These Edges are typically advantages a character is born with, learns from long training, or after exposure to certain events.
Some can be taken after character creation with a little rationalization, maybe your character get a Makeover so you can now take the Attractive edge, or you find an ancient book of cursed knowledge and gain an Arcane Background, etc.
Name | Rank | Summary |
Aura of Courage | Novice | All allies within 10“ (20 yards) add =1 to Fear checks and subtract 1 from rolls on the Fear Table. |
Beast Bond | Novice | The hero may spend Bennies for animals under her control. |
Beast Master | Novice | Animals like your hero and he has a pet of some sort. See text. |
↪ Iron Paw | Veteran | Share spell effects with your animal companion |
Beast Talker | Novice | The hero can speak with animals. |
Brand | Seasoned | Brand a target giving it a glowing symbol when near certain symbols to distract the target. |
Champion | Novice | +2 damage vs. supernaturally evil creatures. |
Companion Soul | Heroic | Gain supernatural abilities with your animal companion. |
Danger Sense | Novice | Notice roll at +2 to sense ambushes or similar events. |
Duck and Cover | Novice | You and an ally can use each other's rolls when Evading. |
Healer | Novice | +2 to Healing rolls, magical or otherwise. |
Hex | Novice | The Witch/Shaman gains a unique, magic power of their choice. |
↪ Major Hex | Veteran | More powerful hexes for witches/shamans to choose. |
↪↪ Grand Hex | Legendary | Grand powers available to witches and shamans. |
Inspire Heroics | Seasoned | Give Inspiration tokens to others that allow them to reroll a Trait or damage roll. |
↪ Inspire Greatness | Veteran | Inspire Heroics grants an additional three tokens. |
Liquid Courage | Novice | Alcohol increases Vigor a die type and ignores one level of Wound penalty. -1 to Agility, Smarts, and related skills. |
Marked Foe | Novice | The hero “marks” a foe, granting them five uses of tokens that allow them to boost their own rolls against the target or lower the target's rolls. |
Mystical Servant | Novice | Enhance an animal companion |
Rapid Change | Novice | The character may change form as a limited action. |
Scavenger | Novice | May find a needed item once per encounter. |
Shadow Cloak | Seasoned | Free Soak at –2 when in Dim or Dark light. |
Wild Shape | Seasoned | The character gains shape change. Duration is one hour and she casts as if one Rank higher than usual. |
🔗 Mystic Powers ↪ Wholeness of Body | Heroic | May spend 2 Power Points to make a Soak roll. This does not count as spending a Benny. |