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Background Edges
These Edges are typically advantages a character is born with, learns from long training, or after exposure to certain events.
Some can be taken after character creation with a little rationalization, maybe your character get a Makeover so you can now take the Attractive edge, or you find an ancient book of cursed knowledge and gain an Arcane Background, etc.
Background Edge List
General Background Edges
Name | Rank | Summary |
Alertness | Novice | +2 to Notice Rolls |
Ambidextrous | Novice | Ignore -2 penalty when making Trait rolls with off-hand. |
Arcane Background | Novice | Allows access to Arcane Backgrounds |
Arcane Resistance | Novice | Arcane skills targeting the hero suffer a -2 penalty (even if cast by allies!) and magical damage is reduced by 2 as well. |
↪ Improved Arcane Resistance | Novice | As Arcane Resistance, but penalty is increased to -4 and magical damage is reduced by 4. |
Aristocrat | Novice | +2 to Common Knowledge and networking with the upper class. |
Attractive | Novice | +1 to Performance and Persuasion rolls. |
↪ Very Attractive | Novice | +2 to Performance and Persuasion rolls. |
Berserk | Novice | After being Shaken or Wounded, melee attacks must be Wild Attacks, +1 die type to Strength, +2 to Toughness, ignore one level of Wound penalties, Critical Failure on Fighting roll hits random target. Take Fatigue after every five consecutive rounds, may choose to end rage with Smarts roll -2. |
↪ Greater Berserk | Heroic | The hero's Strength increases two die types when raging and ignore an additional wound penalty |
Brave | Novice | +2 to Fear checks and -2 to rolls on the Fear Table. |
Brawny | Novice | Size (and therefore Toughness) +1. Treat Strength as one die type higher for Encumberance and Minimum Strength to use weapons, armor, or equipment. |
Brute | Novice | LInk Athletics to Strength instead of Agility (including resistance). Short Range of any thrown item increased by +1. Double that for the adjusted Medium Range, and double again for Long Range. |
Charismatic | Novice | Free reroll when using Persuasion. |
Chosen | Novice | When the Chosen spends Conviction, it lasts until the end of the encounter without having to maintain it with Bennies. The Chosen also has the Enemy (Major) Hindrance and a “mark” that helps them find her. |
Elan | Novice | +2 when spending a Benny to reroll a Trait roll. |
Fame | Novice | +1 Persuasion rolls when recognized (Common Knowledge), double usual fee for Performance. |
↪ Famous | Seasoned | +2 Persuasion when recognized, 5x or more usual fee for Performance. |
Fast Healer | Novice | +2 Vigor when rolling for natural healing; check every 3 days. |
Favored Enemy | Novice | -2 Persuasion, free reroll when failing to track (Survival) or attack against a particular type of foe. |
Favored Terrain | Novice | Character draws an additional Action Card in the chosen terrain. |
Fleet-Footed | Novice | Pace +2, increase running die one step. |
Heirloom | Novice | Character gains a magic item worth up to 10,000 gp |
Linguist | Novice | Character knows a number of languages equal to half her Smarts die. |
Luck | Novice | +1 Benny at the start of each session. |
↪ Great Luck | Novice | +2 Bennies at the start of each session. |
Lucky Help | Novice | Spend a Benny to allow an ally to reroll a Trait roll with a +2 bonus. |
Nimble Striker | Novice | No penalty when running and taking a single action. |
Pyromaniac | Novice | Deal increased damage with natural fire. |
Quick | Novice | The hero may discard and redraw Action Cards of 5 or lower. |
Rich | Novice | Cahracter starts with three times the starting funds and a $150K annual salary. |
↪ Filthy Rich | Novice | Five times starting funds and $500K average salary. |
Wilderness Stride | Novice | Ignore movement penalties for Difficult Ground. |