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Bound & Entangled
Grappling and powers like entangle cause characters to be Bound and Entangled. Here’s what each of those states means and how to break free from them.
- ENTANGLED: The victim can’t move and is Vulnerable as long as he remains Entangled.
- BOUND: The victim may not move, is Distracted and Vulnerable as long as he remains Bound, and cannot make physical actions other than trying to break free.
Breaking Free Attempting to break free is an action using Strength at −2 or Athletics. With success, an Entangled hero is free of one entanglement or grappler. A Bound character improves to Entangled with a success; with a raise, he’s free.
Breaking Free from a Device A character bound by a physical device (such as a net, manacles, or handcuffs) who fails to break free can’t try again until the situation changes in some way (GM’s call).
Bound or Entangled victims may try to destroy the entanglement with an accessible and appropriate weapon (GM’s call based on circumstances and the entangling material). Weapon attacks hit automatically (see Breaking Things), and attackers may Wild Attack for +2 damage. If successful the character is no longer Entangled (others in an area effect entanglement must be freed separately unless the attack is an area effect itself).