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Cloth/Light Leather

Characters with the Armor Interference may wear cloth or light leather armor without penalty.

Item Armor Min Str. Weight Cost
Cloak with hood (torso, head) +1 d4 5 5
Leggings +1 d4 5 5
Tunic (torso, arms) +1 d4 5 10
Robe with hooded Cloak (torso, arms, head) +1 d4 8 10

Light Armor

This includes Studded Leather Armor and Natural Armors (thick hide, wood, bone, bark, etc.)

Item Armor Min Str. Weight Cost
Leather Tunic or Jacket (torso, arms) +2 d6 11 20
Leather Leggings (legs) +2 d6 8 20
Leather or Natural Cap (head) +2 d6 1 10
Natrual Shirt (torso, arms) +2 d6 10 20
Natural Leggings (legs) +2 d6 7 20

Medium Armor

Chain Mail, Ring Mail, Scale Mail, Splint Mail, Bronze Armor, etc.

Item Armor Min Str. Weight Cost
Chain Shirt (torso, arms) +3 d8 22 100
Chain Leggings (legs) +3 d8 10 100
Chain Hood or Pot Helm (head) +3 d8 3 50
Bronze Corselet (torso) +3 d8 13 200
Bronze Greaves (legs) +3 d8 6 200
Bronze Vambrances (arms) +3 d8 5 100
Bronze Helmet (head) +3 d8 6 120

Heavy Armor

This is Plate Mail Armor.

Item Armor Min Str. Weight Cost
Plate Breastplate (torso) +4 d10 30 500
Plate Greaves (legs) +4 d10 10 500
Plate Vambraces or Gauntlets (arms) +4 d10 10 250
Heavy Helm (head) +4 d10 4 250
Enclosed Heavy Helm (head) +4 d10 8 300
Note: -1 to vision-based Notice rolls.

Armor Customizations

Item Weight Cost Notes
Armor Spikes 10 50 May be added to any armor, causing +1 damage when Crushing while Grappling.
Locked Gauntlet 5 8 +1 to Strength Roll against Disarm; requires an action to fasten/release