Requirements: Spirit: d6
Clerics draw their power from a divine presence of some sort, including gods, nature, spirits, or their revered ancestors. They invoke miracles from these entities by reciting prayers or performing rituals they believe are in their deity’s best interests.
A cleric’s particular service depends on the deity he serves. A list of domains the Game Master can assign to a particular source of power can be found on page 106.
Clerics may take Edges that require Arcane Background (Miracles).
Clerics who hold a symbol of their deity or religion get a free reroll on all Faith rolls. This means they cannot hold a shield or other weapon in that hand.
Clerics must have a Vow (Major) to their deity or religion. If they fail to uphold their deity’s values, they subtract 2 from Faith rolls for a week. Truly sacrilegious acts might rob them of their powers entirely until they atone in some way.
Your Cleric's god provides them additional abilities and spells, choose a domain or make one up that fits your god.
Clerics can cast the healing power at a Range of Spirit rather than touch. Clerics also gain an exclusive Additional Recipients Power Modifier for Healing, allowing them to heal nearby allies at the cost of one extra Power Point each.