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Naga Traits

  • Cold Blooded You subtract 1 from Agility, Strength, and Vigor rolls after spending more than ten minutes in temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Snake-bodied Your snake body makes it difficult for you to wear certain types of armor or ride mounts. You also are immune to poison and have a Reach +1.
  • Fanged Your fangs are a natural weapon that deal damage equal to your Strength + d6 with Armor Piercing 2.
  • Snake Type Choose one of the following:
  • Venomous. Your fangs are venomous, on a successful unarmed attack, the target must make a Vigor roll or suffer the effects of Lethal Poison. You may administer a concentrated doce of his venom, forcing the target to suffer a -2 penalty to his Vigor roll, but doing so causes the user Fatigue.
  • Constrictor Your body also serves as a natural weapon that deals Strength + d6 damage, which you can use to entangle and crush targets. You are not vulnerable while entangling.