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Dwarven Features
- Darkvision. Dwarves are accustomed to life underground and can see in the dark within 10“ (20 yards), ignoring all illumination penalties and up to 2 points of penalties from invisibility or similar powers.
- Reduced Pace Decrease the character's Pace by 1 and reduce the running die by one die type.
- Size -1. Dwarves reduce their Size by 1, but due to their physical endurance, do not reduce their Toughness by 1.
- Burrowers. Dwarves can burrow into loose earth and move through it at half normal Pace (cannot run). They cannot normally be attacked while in this state by conventional means. If they make a surprise attack while in this state, they will add +2 to his attack and damage rolls that round.
Deep Dwarf
Some Dwarves hail from deep in The Underdark and also gain the following features:
- Night vision. You gain Night Vision, allowing you to ignore all illumination Penalties
- Light-Sensitive. Subtract -1 from all active Trait rolls in bright light. This refers to being under the effects of a light spell or being outdoors under direct sunlight. Significant shadows such as being in a thick forest or the shade of a large building let you avoid this penalty.