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Awakened Undead
Awakened Undead Traits
- Undead: You are undead. You add +2 to rolls to recover from being Shaken, ignore one level of Wound modifiers, don't breathe, and are immune to disease and poison. Wounds cannot be mended via the Healing spell, though you do not have to worry about the Golden Hour when recovering from wounds. Also Called Shots do not deal extra damage to you.
- Untrusted: As an undead, you are distrusted and treated as if you have the Outsider major hindrance, granting you a -2 to all Persuasion rolls made to influence others. You also are unlikely to be considered a person and may even be attacked on sight.
- Weakness: You are sensitive to light and subtract -1 from all active Trait rolls in bright light. This does not apply to passive rolls. Here “bright light” means the effects of a light spell or being outdoors under direct sunlight. Significant shadows, such as being in a forest or in the shade of a large building, avoids the penalty. You also take a -4 penalty to resist any holy magic or effect and take an additional 4 damage from such effects.
Lingering souls of the dead and departed, ghosts are raised as servants by potent necromancers or hold onto the world themselves when there is unfinished business they have yet to accomplish. If a ghost is charged with unfinished business it can take many forms, from protecting a loved one, to keeping a particular item safe, to simple revenge. Ghosts are spectral and luminous, but are usually solid to the touch unless they expend conscious will to be otherwise. Thus, a ghost can interact with objects as mortals do. All ghosts carry obvious and sometimes twisted marks of what caused their deaths, which are often quite disturbing to all but the most jaded mortals.
- Ghostly Movement You fly at Pace 6 instead of walking. You may still “run” for extra movement.
- Ghostly Form. You may not use any weapons, armor or other equipment. You gain the Gifted Arcane Background and both the Intangibility and Invisibility powers with the limitations of range and personal, making them apply to only yourself (and lowering the power cost by 2).
- Gastly touch Your touch is a natural weapon, dealing your STR + d6 necrotic damage with Armor Piercing of 2.
- Ghostbound As a ghost you are bound to a particular place, object, person, or task. If you do not return to this place/object/person or do not focus on this task within a day, you suffer a level of Fatigue.
Forgotten kings, sorcerers, slaves, and criminals of ancient empires, most mummies remain isolated in deep tombs and temples. Embalmed and wrapped in layers of treated linens scrawled with profane sigils, a mummy is gaunt and withered, yet shockingly powerful. The necromantic ritual that imbues a mummy with undeath only sometimes confers intelligence, a luxury almost always reserved for those of high social standing attempting to escape death. Was self awareness given to you with a purpose, or was your awakening an accident born of dark magic? Though usually content to haunt the lost ruins of their past lives, a scant few mummies venture abroad in search of revenge, missing treasures, or sinister motives beyond even their own knowing.
- Canopic Jars Your undeath is powered by the presence of your vital organs stored within ritual jars. If these are destroyed, so too will be your unlife. You cannot be fully “killed” without destruction of the canopic jar containing your heart, though destruction of other vital organs may have negative effects on you such as penalties to rolls, lower wound penalties, toughness penalties, etc.
- The Mummy's Fist Your touch harms the living, acting as a natural weapon dealing Strength + d6 necrotic damage, plus armor piercing of 2.
- The Mummy's Eye When you lock eyes with a creature you can use an action to force them to make a Vigor roll or suffer the effects of your evil gaze. You may cause yourself fatigue in order to give them a -2 penalty to their Vigor roll. If they fail this roll, they are Stunned.
- Fire Weakness You take an additional 4 damage from fire.
- The Mummy's Curse You gain the Cursed major hindrance, beneficial magical powers have a -2 penalty to the arcane skill roll when used on you, and the caster is Stunned on a Critical Failure.