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Alchemical Items

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Alchemical Items

Type Range Damage AP ROF Blast Weight Cost
Acid Flask 3/6/12 2d4 1 Small 1 10
Thrown like a grenade. Those within the template take 2d4 damage when hit and 2d4-2 damage at the start of their next turn unless the acid is washed off somehow.
Alchemist's Fire 3/6/12 2d4 1 Small 1 20
A sticky, flammable liquid that ignites on impact. Counts as a Heavy Weapon. Those within the template take 2d4 damage when hit and 2d4-2 damage at the start of their next turn unless dowsed with water. Target might catch Fire.
Antitoxin (Vial) 0.5 50
Grants a +4 bonus to resist poison for one hour.
Everburning Torch 1 110
A “torch” permanently enchanted with light. It does not burn and emits no heat.
Holy Water 3/6/12 2d4 1 Small 25
Holy water can be thrown in a flask or spalshed on an adjacent creature. Undead and certain evil creatures within the template take 2d4 damage when hit and 2d4-2 damage at the start of their next turn.
Smokestick 3/6/12 1 Medium 0.1 20
An alchemically treated stick that creates thick smoke (Dark illumination) in a Medium Blast Template for one minute. Dissipates in strong wind in one round.
Sunrod 1 2
A gold-tipped iron rod (Str+d4 damage) that provides normal light in a 30 foot radius for six hours. IT increases illumination one level for another 30' beyond that. It emits no heat, and counts as sunlight.
Tanglefoot Bag 1/2/4 1 4 50
A Size 3 or smaller victim hit by this small sack of sticky materials is Distracted for five rounds and must make an Athletics roll or be stuck to the ground (Entangled) as well.
Thunderstone 3/6/12 1 Medium 1 30
An enchanted rock that explodes with a deafening boom when struck against a hard surface. Anyone in the template must make a Vigor roll or be Shaken as well as deafened for one hour.
Tindertwig 0.1 1
A think stick that alights with flame when struck against a hard surface. It allows torches and other flammable substances to be lit in a single action.