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Action Cards

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Action Cards

Savage Worlds uses a single deck of cards with two Jokers as the method of determining initiative. These are called “Action Cards.”

Each round, every Wild Card is given an Action Card (though some Edges change how this works). Any Allies that a player controls acts on their own Action Card.

Extras are given Action Cards as a group, such as all zombies in a scene act at once or are grouped with an enemy wildcard such as the goblin commander having his minions act on his card.

The Countdown

Turn order goes from Ace down to Two. If there are any ties, they are resolved by suit order:

  1. ♠ Spades
  2. ♥ Hearts
  3. ♦ Diamonds
  4. ♣ Clubs

(This is reverse alphabetical order).


Anyone drawn a Joker gets to act whenever they want to in the round, even interrupting another's action. They also add +2 to all Trait and damage rolls that round!

Whenever a player draws one, all players gain a Benny, when a foe draws one, the GM and his Wild Cards gain a Benny.