Legendary Edge List

General Legendary Edges

FollowersLegendaryThe hero has five followers.
Home GroundLegendaryOnce per encounter, while on “home ground,” caster may spend a Benny to recover all her Power Points. She may also 'sense' the state of her home.
RelicLegendaryThe character may choose any one magic item in the book (with GM's permission).
SidekickLegendaryThe character gains a Wild Card sidekick
Soul JarLegendaryBecome a Lich.
Tough as NailsLegendaryThe hero can take four Wounds before being Incapacitated.
Tougher than NailsLegendaryThe hero can take five Wounds before being Incapacitated.
True ProfessionalLegendaryThe character's Trait and its limit increases one step.
True ExpertLegendaryThe character's Trait and its limit increases one step
↪↪ True MasterLegendaryThe character's Wild Die is a d10 with a chosen Trait.
WarbandLegendaryFive of the champion's Followers gain the Resilient ability.
Weapon MasterLegendaryParry increases by +1 and Fighting bonus damage die is d8.
Master of ArmsLegendaryParry increases another +1 and Fighting bonus damage die is d10.
🔗 Nerves of Steel
LegendaryHero ahs the Unstoppable Monstrous Ability.