Name | Rank | Summary |
Alacrity of Mind | Seasoned | Use Smarts instead of Athletics when making Interrupting Actions. |
Armor Training | Novice | Lessen an Armor Restriction hindrance |
Block | Seasoned | +1 Parry, ignore 1 point of Gang Up bonus |
↪ Improved Block | Veteran | +2 Parry and ignore 2 points of Gang Up Bonus |
Combat Reflexes | Seasoned | +2 Spirit to recover from being Shaken or Stunned. |
Counterattack | Seasoned | Free attack against one foe per turn who failed a Fighting roll. |
↪ Improved Counterattack | Seasoned | As Counterattack, but against three failed attacks per turn. |
Covering Defense | Novice | Defend maneuver aids allies as well. |
Deadly Blow | Seasoned | The fighter adds +1 to all his damaging attacks. |
Defender | Seasoned | Character may share his shield's Parry and cover bonus with one adjacent ally. |
Dirty Fighter | Seasoned | +2 to Fighting Tricks. |
↪ Really Dirty Fighter | Seasoned | Raise on a Fighting Test grants The Drop |
Dodge | Seasoned | -2 to be hit by ranged attacks. (Does not stack with cover) |
↪ Improved Dodge | Seasoned | +2 to Evasion totals. |
Exploit Weakness | Heroic | Attack as if you are using a damage type they are weak to and slow enemy regeneration. |
Extraction | Novice | One adjacent foe doesn't get a free attack when you withdraw from close combat. |
↪ Improved Extraction | Seasoned | Three adjacent foes don't get free attacks when you withdraw from combat. |
Feint | Novice | You may choose to make a foe resist with Smarts instead of Agility during a Fighting Test. |
Formation Fighter | Novice | Fighter adds +2 to Gang Up bonus instead of +1. |
↪ Shield Wall | Novice | Fighter with shield adds +1 Parry to adjacent ally with Shield Wall Edge |
Free Runner | Novice | Ignore Difficult Ground and add +2 to Athletics in foot chases and Athletics (climbing). |
Giant Killer | Veteran | +1d6 damage vs creatures three Sizes larger or more. |
Hard to Kill | Novice | Ignore Wound penalties when making Vigor rolls to avoid Bleeding Out. |
↪ Harder to Kill | Veteran | Roll a die if the character perishes. On an even roll he's Incapacitated but survives somehow. |
Heroic Defiance | Seasoned | Automatically remove one of the listed negative conditions. |
Iron Jaw | Novice | +2 to Soak and Vigor rolls to avoid Knockout Blows. |
↪ Take the Hit | Seasoned | Free reroll when Soaking or resisting Knockout Blows. |
Killer Instinct | Seasoned | The hero gets a free reroll in any opposed Test he initiates. |
MIssile Shield | Veteran | Increase your Toughness against ranged attacks. |
Martial Flexibility | Seasoned | Once per encounter, character may gain the benefits of an eligible Combat Edge for five rounds. |
↪ Improved Martial Flexibility | Veteran | The fighter may now choose two Combat Edges per encounter. |
Missile Deflection | Heroic | Ranged attackers use character's Parry as base TN. |
Mounted Shield | Novice | You grant your shield bonus to your mount. |
Nerves of Steel | Novice | Ignore one level of Wound penalties. |
↪ Improved Nerves of Steel | Novice | Ignore up to two level of Wound penalties. |
No Mercy | Seasoned | +2 damage when spending a Benny to reroll damage. |
Opportunistic | Veteran | A Joker adds +4 to Trait and damage rolls rather than +2. |
Roar | Seasoned | Maymake an Intimidation Test in a Cone Template. |
Scorch | Seasoned | Character's breath weapon increases a die type, and allows her to use Cone or Stream template. |
Shatterspell | Novice | Make a limited action to dispel a power. |
Sneak Attack | Novice | +2 to damage to Vulnerable foes, or when the rogue has The Drop |
↪ Shadow Strike | Veteran | Use your sneak attack in areas with bad illumination |
↪ Improved Sneak Attack | Veteran | May sneak attack a Distracted foe. |
↪ Greater Sneak Attack | Seasoned | Replaces rogue's +2 damage with a d6. |
Steady Hands | Novice | Ignore Unstable Platform penalty; reduce running penalty to -1. |
Stunning Blow | Seasoned | Foe must make a Vigor roll or be Stunned if Shaken or Wounded with a blunt weapon. |
Sunder | Novice | Attacker adds +d6 to damage when trying to break things. |
Trademark Weapon | Novice | +1 to Athletics (throwing), Fighting, or Shooting total with a specific weapon; +1 Parry while weapon is readied. |
↪ Improved Trademark Weapon | Seasoned | The attack and Parry bonus increases to +2 |
Tripping Strike | Seasoned | Cause an enemy to be knocked prone. |
Under and Over | Novice | Knock over large enemies attacking you. |
Weapon Specialization | Seasoned | Specialize in a weapon type for a free reroll on its damage rolls. |
🔗 Favored Enemy ↪ Master Hunter | Heroic | The hunter adds an additional d6 damage when making a successful Athletics (throwing), Fighting, or shooting attack against their Favored Enemies. |
🔗 Berserk ↪ Spirit Warrior | Heroic | Become better at killing fae, outsiders and similar creatures while going berserk |