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savage:ancestries:gnome [2024/04/07 02:56] – created lwelyksavage:ancestries:gnome [2024/04/07 12:33] (current) lwelyk
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   * //**Size**//. Gnomes are around 2 ft tall, and count as Size -2. They have a max Strength of d8 and a -2 penalty to Toughness and their damage rolls. Gear made for gnomes weigh half the listed value of a standard sized armor. Minimum Str for small armor is reduced by 2 die types.   * //**Size**//. Gnomes are around 2 ft tall, and count as Size -2. They have a max Strength of d8 and a -2 penalty to Toughness and their damage rolls. Gear made for gnomes weigh half the listed value of a standard sized armor. Minimum Str for small armor is reduced by 2 die types.
   * //**Reduced Pace**//. Your Pace is lowered by 1 and your running die goes down 1 die type.   * //**Reduced Pace**//. Your Pace is lowered by 1 and your running die goes down 1 die type.
-  * //**Gnomish Magic**//. You gain the [[savage:powers:illusion]] power and 5 power points. You may use any [[savage:powers:cantrips]] you desire with this power as well. If you gain an arcane background, you may add these power points to that pool. [[skills:Spellcasting]] (Smarts) is your skill for this power. If you do not have an [[Arcane Background]] you may use your Smarts instead without penalty. +  * //**Gnomish Magic**//. You gain the [[savage:powers:illusion]] power and 5 power points. You may use any [[savage:powers:cantrips]] you desire with this power as well. If you gain an arcane background, you may add these power points to that pool. [[skills:Spellcasting]] (Smarts) is your skill for this power unless you have another Arcane Background, in which case you can use that skill instead. If you do not have an [[Arcane Background]] you may use your Smarts instead without penalty. 
   * //**(Not) in the Thick of It**//. Gnomish proportions make some combat more difficult, you have a -1 penalty to Parry.   * //**(Not) in the Thick of It**//. Gnomish proportions make some combat more difficult, you have a -1 penalty to Parry.
   * //**Subrace**//. Choose a Gnomish Subrace.   * //**Subrace**//. Choose a Gnomish Subrace.