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savage:ancestries:aasimar [2024/04/07 13:02] – created lwelyksavage:ancestries:aasimar [2024/04/07 15:06] (current) lwelyk
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 ====== Aasimar ====== ====== Aasimar ======
 ===== Aasimar Traits ===== ===== Aasimar Traits =====
-Aasimar are incredibly varied, choose from the following options to make a total of +4:+Aasimar are incredibly varied in appearance and ability, choose one of the following: 
 +<details><summary>==== Asrial (Patience) ====</summary> 
 +Asriael Aasimar typically have many faces, their front, side and back of heads having faces on them and sometimes other body parts also having another face that all speak and move in unison. The virtue of Patience is about a willingness to forgive and show mercy, the ability to remain calm and wait, for sometimes it is better to wait for something to occur to make it so yourself. Asrial aasimar often live twice as long as other aasimar. A patient higher calling could involve helping solve a mystery and determine the appropriate punishment, help slowly guide events or teach mercy to others.  
 +  * //**Hesitant**// You have the [[savage/hindrances/Hesitant]] minor hindrance, causing you to draw two Action Cards and always take the lowest. (Except Jokers, you get to keep those). 
 +  * //**Merciful**// You have the [[savage/edges/power/Mercy]] edge, allowing you to, as an action, remove the [[../Distracted]], [[../Vulnerable]], or [[../Shaken]] states from any character within a Range equal to your Spirit. 
 +  * //**Many-Faced**// You start with a Notice skill of d6 instead of d4 due to your many eyes. You also gain a +1 bonus to all Intimidation checks using your voice as your mouths all speak in unison. 
 +<details><summary>==== Gabrael (Diligence) ====</summary> 
 + Gabrael Aasimar are generally humanlike, but often possess more than two eyes, additional fingers or ocassionally additional arms and hands. The virtue of diligence involves staying true to core beliefs, working carefully and being steadfast. Diligent higher callings involve working hard to accomplish tasks, or accomplishing large, time-consuming quests.  
 +Choose one of the two options below for your character's abilities: 
 +==== Studious  ==== 
 +  * //**Focused Study**// You have specialized and studied in a single skill. Raise a Skill of your choice by 2 die types to a maximum of d12 +1. You also gain a +1 bonus when using this skill. Additionally, you increase the Attribute linked to the skill by 1 and its maximum by 1 die type. 
 +  * //**Quirk**// You have the [[savage/hindrances/Quirk]] hindrance, this should be related to your area of study and most likely around your desire to always study and discuss the topic.  
 +==== Diligent Action ==== 
 +  * //**Additional Action**// Whether due to your celestial focus or an extra limb, you are able to ignore 2 points of [[../Multi-Action Penalties]] per turn.  
 +  * //**Reduced Core Skills**// Your focused study has made you less well-rounded than some other heroes, choose one [[savage/Core Skill]]. You do not start with a d4 in that skill. You may still put a point in it, but you do not have it for free. 
 +<details><summary>==== Mikael (Charity) ====</summary> 
 +Mikael Aasimar appear as normal humans but with oddly colored skin and bright glowing eyes. The virtue of Charity is about giving to help others. Generosity, self-sacrifice, Charity is more than benevolent giving, it's about giving up of yourself to help others. A charitable higher power could involve giving up what you have gained to help others, becoming a martyr, or helping all others no matter what the price to yourself.  
 +  * //**Selfless**// You have the [[savage/hindrances/Selfless]] major hindrance. Your character will think of others before themself to the point of their detriment.  
 +  * //**Common Bond**// You gain the [[savage/edges/social/common_bond]] edge, allowing you to freely give your [[../Bennies]] to any other character you can communicate with.  
 +  * //**Healer**// You also gain the [[savage/edges/social/Healer]] edge, giving you a +2 bonus to all Healing rolls, whether natural or magical in nature. You also gain the [[savage/powers/Healing]] power and 6 power points to use with it. Faith (Spirit) is your spellcasting skill for this. If you have another arcane background that uses Faith, you may pool these power points together. 
 +<details><summary>==== Rafael (Humility) ====</summary> 
 +Rafael Aasimar are humanlike with wings and are what many think of when they hear the word "angel" while they are not actually angels themselves. The virtue of Humility is about not needing to prove oneself, being selfless and understanding ones role and place. Their higher calling can be to serve as a messenger much like angels, play an integral supporting role in a team or serve as a ruler with propriety and an understanding of their duties.  
 +  * //**Flight**// You have angelic wings, allowing you to fly at Pace 12 and "run" for extra movement as usual. 
 +<details><summary>==== Ramiael (Kindness) ====</summary> 
 + Ramiael Aasimar typically appear as humans with pale, glowing skin and multiple ears and they are sometimes born without mouths. The virtue of Kindness is about wishing the best of all and viewing all as worthy of care, compassion and friendship for its own sake. Empathy and trust without prejudice or resentment. A charitable higher power could involve creating an orphanage or providing an example of kindness to all during travel.  
 +  * //**Reliable**// You gain the [[savage/edges/social/Reliable]] edge, allowing you a free reroll on any [[Support]] roll. 
 +  * //**Divine Light**// Your body can generate a divine light, when activated you eliminate up to 2 points of illumination penalties in a Small, Medium, or Large blast template around you (your choice) and subtract 4 from your sight-based Stealth rolls. You can turn on or off the light as a free action. You can also "strobe" this light, turning it on and off rapidly to distract foes, inflicting a -1 penalty to opponent' melee attacks against you and providing a +1 to Tests in appropriate situations. 
 +<details><summary>==== Samael (Temperance) ====</summary> 
 +Samael Aasimar are typically very inhuman, featuring multiple, oddly shaped heads, oddly shaped bodies, eyes of fire and skin of multiple colors and textures. The virtue of Temperance is about restraint, justice and avoiding extremism. Moderation and fairness are important. A temperence higher power could involve bringing people to justice or bringing moderation to a political conflict.  
 +  * //**Unusual Shape**// Your body is unusually shaped, most armor and other wearable equipment will need to be customized to fit you at your own cost and you're likely unable to ride most mounts. 
 +  * //**Truth-Reader**// You gain the Power [[powers:Mind-Reading]] with the Range (Touch) Limitation with 5 power points to use for this. Faith (Spirit) is your spellcasting skill for this. If you gain another Arcane Background that uses Faith you may pool these Power Points together. 
 +  * //**Intimidating Presence**// You begin with a d4 in the Intimidation skill and gain a +1 bonus to Intimidation rolls. 
 +<details><summary>==== Uriael (Chastity) ====</summary> 
 + Uriael Aasimar are the most inhuman of the aasimar, sometimes lacking facial features, often lacking sexual organs, they frequently have no hair anywhere on their body. The virtue of Chastity does not always mean refraining from sex, Chastity is about resisting all temptation. A chaste higher calling may involve removing drug dens or brothels or removing corruption from the nobility.  
 +  * //**Chaste**// All Persuasion, Taunt, and Performance Tests have a -2 penalty when used against you, and your appearance gives you a -1 to any Persuasion checks you make. 
 +  * //**Unusual Organs.**// Your internal organs are located in non-standard locations. You do not take additional damage from Called Shots. 
 +<summary>==== Custom Aasimar ====</summary> 
 +If none of the above options speak to you, you may build your own, choose from the following options to make a total of +4: 
 +  *//**Additional Action**// (+5): Whether through an additional limb or divine reflexes, you ignore 2 points of [[../Multi-Action Penalties]] per turn. 
 +  * //**Greater Flight**// (+4): You can [[../fly]] at Pace 12 and "run" for extra movement as usual. 
 +  * //**Greater Flight**// (+4). You can fly at pace 12 and "run" for extra movement as usual. 
 +  * //**Greater Regeneration**// (+3). Make a natural healing roll once per day (rather than every five days). Permanent injuries may be recovered once all other Wounds are regenerated. 
 +  * //**Attribute Increase**// (+2): Increase an Attribute and its maximum by 1. 
 +  * //**Divine Light**// (+2): Your body can generate a divine light, when activated you eliminate up to 2 points of illumination penalties in a Small, Medium, or Large blast template around you (your choice) and subtract 4 from your sight-based Stealth rolls. You can turn on or off the light as a free action. You can also "strobe" this light, turning it on and off rapidly to distract foes, inflicting a -1 penalty to opponent' melee attacks against you and providing a +1 to Tests in appropriate situations. 
 +  * //**Doesn't Breathe**// (+2) You don't need to breathe. 
 +  * //**Flight**// (+2). You can [[../fly]] at Pace 6 and "run" for extra movement as usual. 
 +  * //**Hardy**// (+2): If you are already shaken in combat, a second shaken result does not cause you a Wound. 
 +  * //**Night Vision**// (+2) Ignore all illumination penalties in any circumstance. 
 +  * //**Novice Edge**// (+2) Gain a novice edge, see table below for suggestions that fit . 
 +  * //**Power**// (+2) Gain a novice rank Power and 5-6 Power Points dedicated to its use. Faith (Spirit) is the spellcasting skill for this and if you gain another Faith based arcane background you may merge these pools. 
 +  * //**Regeneration**// (+2) Make a natural healing roll once per day (rather than every five days) 
 +  * //**Skill die +1**// (+2): Raise the die type and maximum of a skill by 1. 
 +  * //**Sleep Negation**// (+2) You do not need to sleep. 
 +  * //**Armor +2**// (+1): Gain a natural +2 bonus to your [[../Armor]] 
 +  * //**Environmental Resistance**// (+1): Gain a +4  bonus to resist a single negative environmental effect, such as heat, cold, lack of hair, radiation, etc. Damage from that source is also reduced by 4. 
 +  * //**Immune to Poison or Disease**// (+1): You are immune to poison or disease. Take twice for immunity to both. 
 +  * //**Cannot Speak**// (-1): No vocal cords or unable to speak for other reasons. Can hear and understand other typical languages and may communicate via electronic devices or writing 
 +  * //**Reduced Core Skills**// (-1): You start with one less core skill. This can be gained normally, but it does not start as a d4. 
 +  * //**Reduced Pace**// (-1): Pace -1 and running die type down 1. 
 +  * //**Skill +1**// (+1): Gain a +1 bonus to rolls when using a specific skill. You can take this up to twice for a single skill. 
 +  * //**No Vital Organs**// (+1): Your vital organs are hidden or in odd places. Maybe you have redundant vitals. You do not take extra damage from Called shots. 
 +  * //**Frail**// (-1): Your Toughness is reduced by 1. 
 +  * //**Hindrance (Minor)**// (-1): Gain a minor hindrance. 
 +  * //**Hindrance (Major)**// (-2): Gain a major Hindrance 
 +  * //**Unusual Shape**// (-2): Cannot ride mounts or use certain types of armor/gear/etc
-  * //**Frail**//: You can [[../fly]] at Pace 12 and "run" for extra movement as usual. 
 Suggested Edges: Suggested Edges:
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 |[[savage:edges:social:Reliable]]|Novice|Free reroll when making Support rolls.| |[[savage:edges:social:Reliable]]|Novice|Free reroll when making Support rolls.|
 |[[savage:edges:weird:Aura of Courage]]|Novice|All allies within 10" (20 yards) add =1 to Fear checks and subtract 1 from rolls on the  Fear Table.| |[[savage:edges:weird:Aura of Courage]]|Novice|All allies within 10" (20 yards) add =1 to Fear checks and subtract 1 from rolls on the  Fear Table.|