====== Situational Rules ====== The core rules of Savage Worlds are very simple — roll a skill die (and a Wild Die if a Wild Card). If the result is 4 or higher after all modifiers, you're successful. Below are some of the other rules you may want to know about. {{page> Area Effects}} {{page> Breaking Things}} {{page> Cover Obstacles }} {{page> The Drop}} {{page> Evasion}} {{page> Free Attacks}} {{page> Ganging Up}} {{page> Illumination}} {{page> Improvised Weapons }} {{page> Innocent Bystanders}} {{page> Mounted Combat}} {{page> Multi-Actions}} {{page> Natural Weapons}} {{page> Nonlethal Damage}} {{page> Off-hand Attacks}} {{page> Ranged Weapons in Melee}} {{page> Readying Weapons }} {{page> Recoil}} {{page> Reloading }} {{page> Shotguns}} {{page> Size_Scale}} {{page> Surprise}} {{page> Two Weapons}} {{page> Unarmed Defender}} {{page> Unstable Platform}} {{page> Withdrawing from Melee}}