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savage:rate_of_fire [2024/04/22 16:47] – created lwelyksavage:rate_of_fire [2024/04/22 16:47] (current) lwelyk
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 ====== Rate of Fire ====== ====== Rate of Fire ======
-Rate of Fire is how many shots ([[skills:Shooting]] dice) a ranged weapon can fire in one action. A pistol with a RoF of 1, for example, can fire one shot per action. For example, a machine gun with a Rate of Fire of 3 can fire three shots per action. When you use a weapon with a Rate of Fire higher than 1, declare how many of the shots are aimed at each target, +Rate of Fire is how many shots ([[Shooting]] dice) a ranged weapon can fire in one action. A pistol with a RoF of 1, for example, can fire one shot per action. For example, a machine gun with a Rate of Fire of 3 can fire three shots per action. When you use a weapon with a Rate of Fire higher than 1, declare how many of the shots are aimed at each target, 
 The [[Wild Die]] can only replace one of these rolls. The [[Wild Die]] can only replace one of these rolls.
 Firing more than one shot in one action from a weapon subtracts 2 from the attacker's [[Shooting]] rolls due to [[Recoil]]. Firing more than one shot in one action from a weapon subtracts 2 from the attacker's [[Shooting]] rolls due to [[Recoil]].