====== Zombie ====== ===== Zombie ===== **Rank:** Veteran **Power Points:** 3 **Range**: Smarts **Duration:** One hour **Example Trappings:** Carving symbols on corpses, graveyards, gold coins placed on the eyes of bodies. Zombie grants animation and basic intelli gence to the remains of a once-living being. The summoned horror is obedient but literal-minded in its duties. It isn’t telepathic, and must be controlled by voice. The being has the physical skills it had in life, but its Smarts, Spirit, and related skills are reset to d4. A raise on the casting roll increases any one of their Traits one die type (caster’s choice). See Savage Worlds for the standard profile of a human zombie. Corpses aren’t summoned by this ability, so there must actually be a supply of bodies in Range (GM’s call). An undead Incapacitated by damage can’t be raised with this power again ==== Modifiers ==== === Additional Zombies (+1) === A larger horde can be raised in a single casting by paying an additional 1 Power Point for each extra zombie raised. === Armed & Armored (+1) === The dead rise with +2 armor and weapons common to their background or environment. Choose one: Hand Weapon: Str+d6. Ranged Weapon: Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6. === Mind Rider (+1) === The caster can communicate and sense through one of the undead he's conjured in this casting. === Permanent (+Special) === The zombie is given unlife until Incapacitated by Wounds. The Power Points used to raise it are “invested” and unavailable until it’s destroyed. The necromancer may terminate his creations’ unlife at any time, regardless of sight, distance, or other factors. His Power Points then begin recharging normally. Permanent zombies remain animated even if their creator is slain! === Skeletal (+1) === The corpse sloughs off the anchor of dead flesh and rises as a skeleton. Use the skeleton profile instead of the zombie. (+1 per Zombie) {{tag> Veteran}}