====== Wish ====== ===== Wish ===== **Rank:** Legendary **Power Points:** 20 **Range**: Smarts **Duration:** Instant **Example Trappings:** A jinn in a bottle, clicked heels, a monkey's paw. Wish allows a character to bend reality to his will. It is taxing to alter reality, however, so the caster must permanently sacrifice 3 of his own Power Points (after the spell is cast). A raise on the arcane skill roll eliminates this cost. A caster may wish for any one of the following effects per casting, chosen before the roll is made: **ACTIVATE A POWER:** Wish casts any other available power, including modifiers, available in the campaign with a raise. If the spell is opposed, the target rolls with a −2 penalty on top of any other modifiers. If the Power Points required to activate the power and modifiers are greater than the cost of wish, the caster must pay the difference. **INTERCESSION:** The caster wishes for some form of aid, which typically appears after a short period of time. A party trapped in a collapsed dungeon might wish for escape only to be rescued by a party of dwarven miners. A spellcaster could wish to know the true name of a powerful demon and be contacted the next day by a traitorous subordinate of the creature. **GAIN AN EDGE:** The caster can gain (or grant another) a permanent Edge. The recipient must meet the Edge’s Requirements and can never gain more than one Edge from a wish. **WEALTH:** The spellcaster wishes for up to 10,000 gp worth of goods, including anything from transportation to supplies to magic items. Such goods generally sell for a quarter of their value. The wealth doesn’t appear from nothing but rather comes to the caster via events contrived by the GM. **TRAVEL BACK THROUGH TIME:** The caster travels back in time for a short period: one minute outside of combat or back to the start of the current round in combat. Everything that happened in that period is reversed except for the caster’s Power Points, Bennies, and Wounds. The GM should do her best to remember all other actors’ state of things from the start of the round, but warping time is imperfect so don’t worry about getting everything exactly right. Once reversed, only the caster remembers the alternate sequence of events, and that period of time cannot be altered again. **SEE THE FUTURE:** The caster peers into the near or far future. A look into the near future grants her three Conviction tokens that must be used by the caster or anyone she’s currently in contact with (mental, verbal, in sight, etc.) within the next five rounds. At the end of the fifth round, any remaining tokens are discarded. A look into the far future allows the caster to ask the Game Master one question about the future and receive as accurate an answer as possible. Actions by the spellcaster can change the future, however, so this may only be the most likely path or a warning of future dangers. **RAISE A TRAIT:** Wish can permanently increase a Trait one die type. This increases the Trait’s limit by one die type as well. A recipient may never have more than one Trait raised by a wish. **RESTORE FATE:** The hero and all Wild Cards in Range may refill their Bennies to their usual starting maximum. **SPECIAL:** The character may change relatively minor aspects of herself, others, or the world around her (if the subject of the wish doesn’t want to be affected, it’s resisted with a Spirit roll at −2). This shouldn’t cause any far-reaching changes to the world or history, shouldn’t be covered by one of the abilities above, and is completely at the whim of the Game Master. A caster can change her sex, ancestry, languages, etc., but these changes do not alter time and are thus not retroactive. Wish can improve someone’s mood (and their attitude on the Reaction Table, if appropriate), but it can’t permanently affect free will. It can’t force a change of heart or make someone harm themselves. {{tag> Legendary}}