This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Warrior's Gift ====== ===== Warrior's Gift ===== **Rank:** Seasoned **Power Points:** 4 **Range**: Smarts **Duration:** 5 **Example Trappings:** Gestures, prayer, whispered words, concentration. With a successful arcane skill roll, the recip ient gains the benefits of a single Combat Edge chosen by the caster. The caster (not the recipient) must have the same Rank or higher as the Edge’s Requirements. With a raise, the recipient gains the Improved version of the Edge (if there is one, and even if he doesn’t meet the Rank Requirement) ==== Modifiers ==== === Additional Recipients (+1) === The powerm ay affect more than one target for 1 additional Power Point each. ==== Epic Modifiers ==== === ✪ Power (+4) === The recipient gains two Combat Edges at once. {{tag> Seasoned}}