Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: Instant
Example Trappings: A cloud of smoke, “phasing” out, turning into a bolt of lightning.
Teleport allows a character to disappear and instantly reappear up to 12″ (24 yards) distant, or double that with a raise.
Opponents adjacent to a character who teleports away don’t get a free attack (see Withdrawing from Melee in Savage Worlds).
If casting teleport on willing subjects, the caster decides where they move to, not the targets.
The power may affect more than one target for 1 additional Power Point each.
Foes may be targeted at a Range of Touch. The foe resists the casting with an opposed Spirit roll against the arcane skill total and is sent up to 12“ away with success and 24” with a raise. Foes may not be teleported into solid objects.
Instead of teleporting, the caster opens a temporary portal connecting her current location and the destination. Creatures and objects can travel through this gate from either side for 5 rounds.
The character can teleport much farther. The caster must concentrate on her destination for at least one round, taking no other actions. This makes her Vulnerable; if Shaken or Stunned, the spell fails. For one round of concentration, the character can teleport up to 100 miles. For two rounds, she can travel 1000 miles, and with three rounds, she can go anywhere in the world. If the caster has physically been to the desired location previously, there is no penalty to her roll. With success she arrives within 2d6 × 10 feet of her target, or on target with a raise. If the caster has a detailed map or has seen it through a power or device, she suffers −2 to the roll. With success, she arrives within 2d6 × 100 feet, or on target with a raise. I f the caster has a crude map or a general notion of the place on a regional or world map, she suffers a −4. She arrives within 2d10 miles with success, or within 2d6 × 100 feet with a raise. In the absence of such information, teleporting is not possible. A Critical Failure transports the recipient to a random location (GM’s call) on the same plane of existence.