Rank: Novice
Power Points: 1
Range: Smarts x5 (sound); Smarts (silence)
Duration: 5
Example Trappings: A brief ripple in the air, a bell starting or stopping ringing
Sound mimics any known sound or voice, emanating from a point of origin within Range at a volume up to the sound of a loud shout. If used as a Test, the defender opposes the casting roll with Smarts.
Silence does the opposite, muting all sound up to a loud shout within a Large Blast Template. This subtracts 4 from Notice rolls made by those inside the area of effect, as well as anyone trying to hear sounds made from within. A raise completely mutes all sound inside the template (note that sound is usually required to cast spells).
The caster can move the area of effect up to his arcane skill die type each round.
Instead of casting silence in an area of effect, the caster may instead target individuals in Range for 1 Power Point each. Unwilling targets resist with Spirit (at −2 if the caster gets a raise).
Sound only. The character’s voice booms out, carrying over one mile distant—a useful way of warning populations of impending danger. Doing so also adds +2 to one Intimidation Test as long any subjects are within 12” (24 yards).
The Smarts roll made to resist a Test (or Targeted modifier) is made at −2.
Sound only. Alarm creates a subtle ward on an area you select. Once the spell effect is in place, it thereafter sounds an alarm each time a creature enters the warded area or touches it. A being who speaks the password (determined at the time of casting) doesn't set off the alarm. The warning lasts 10 hours. It costs one Power Point to ward an object and two Power Points to ward an area 5“ (10 yards) in diameter. The spellcaster can choose for the alarm to be audible only to him (this must be chosen when cast).