Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2
Range: Touch
Duration: 5
Example Trappings: Words of power, holy symbol, glowing light
Sanctuary protects the righteous from the vile clutches of malignant entities. Any supernaturally evil creature attempting a damaging attack that affects the recipient must make a Spirit roll (at −2 if cast with a raise). If the roll fails, the creature loses that action. (The GM should use Group rolls for identical Extras.)
If anyone under the effects of sanctuary attempts to harm another creature (evil or otherwise), he loses the benefit of sanctuary instantly.
Sanctuary trumps any ward the caster may be holding or protected by. If the creature overcomes the sanctuary spell, it ignores any wards that turn as well.
For +2 points the power affects all allies within a Medium Blast Template centered on the recipient.
For +2 points the power affects all allies within a Large Blast Template centered on the recipient.
Spirit rolls by the creature are made at -2 (-4 with a raise).