Rank: Novice
Power Points: 1
Range: Smarts
Duration: Instant/One Hour
Example Trappings: Prayer, glowing hands, sparkling spirals of magic, a cool breeze.
Select one of the options listed below:
Recover: The caster removes one of the following negative conditions: Shaken, Distracted, or Vulnerable. A raise on the arcane skill roll removes two conditions. If affecting more than one target (via the Additional Recipients modifier), the caster may choose which condition(s) to remove for each ally.
Relief can’t remove negative conditions caused by ongoing effects (Bound or Entangled, Stunned, etc.) unless the source of the effect is removed.
Numb: Reduces the recipient’s total penalties from Wounds and Fatigue by one with success, or two with a raise. An Exhausted (−2) hero with three Wounds (−3), for example, reduces her total −5 penalty to −4 with success, and −3 with a raise.
This effect lasts one hour. It doesn’t remove the Wounds or the Fatigue, it just allows the recipient to ignore the penalties. If the target would be Incapacitated by Wounds or Fatigue, she’s still Incapacitated as usual.
The power may affect more than one target for 1 additional Power Point each.
If using the Recover option, the caster can restore one die type from an energy draining effect iwth a success, two with a raise. See Energy Drain
If using the Recover option, the caster may also affect the Stunned condition. This completely removes the effects of being Stunned.