This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Mind Reading ====== ===== Mind Reading ===== **Rank:** Novice **Power Points:** 2 **Range**: Smarts **Duration:** Instant **Example Trappings:** Psionic invasion, soulsight, words appearing on their face Mind reading is an opposed roll versus the target’s Smarts. Success allows the character to gain one truthful answer from the subject. The target is aware of the mental intrusion unless the mind reader gets a raise. The GM may apply modifiers based on the subject’s mental Hindrances or current state of mind. ==== Epic Modifiers ==== === ✪ Mind Walk (+) === The caster has greater access to the target’s mind and memories, unlocking an entire scene or chain of related memories (GM’s call). {{tag> Novice}}