Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: 10
Example Trappings: Illusionary torch, sunlight, darkness, thick fogs
Light creates bright illumination in a Large Blast Template. With a raise, the light can be focused into a 5″ (10 yard) beam as well.
Darkness blocks illumination in an area the size of a Large Blast Template, making the area Dark, or Pitch Dark with a raise (see Illumination).
If light and darkness overlap, they create a patch of Dim light (−2).
Light only. The light forms around a target of Size 1 or less, illuminating it in a dull glow that eliminates 2 points of penalties from invisibility, darkness, or similar conditions. With a raise, the glow eliminates up to 4 points of penalties.
The caster can move the template at a Pace equal to his arcane skill die type as a limited free action each round. He can also attach it to an inanimate object when first cast if desired. It can't be cast on a living being this way.
Light only. The light expands to the caster's Smarts in radius, with a Range of Smarts x2. The light is sunlight and acts as natural sunlight.
Darkness only. The darkness blocks Infravision, Low Light Vision, and Darkvision. It has no effect on magical sight such as detect arcana.