====== Invisibility ====== ===== Invisibility ===== **Rank:** Seasoned **Power Points:** 5 **Range**: Smarts **Duration:** 5 **Example Trappings:** Powder, potion, iridescent lights With a success, the character and his personal items are transparent except for a vague blur or outline. Any action taken against him that requires sight is made at −4, or −6 with a raise. The same penalty applies to Notice rolls to detect the unseen presence. Reduce the penalty by 2 if the invisible character’s position is given away, such as moving in water, hit with mud or another substance that reveals her form, outside in the rain, etc. ==== Modifiers ==== === Additional Recipients (+3) === The power may affect more than one target for 3 additional Power Points each. ==== Epic Modifiers ==== === ✪ Duration (+2) === Duration is measured in minutes instead of rounds. If the character attempts a damage-causing attack or targets an unwilling character with a power, the effect terminates immediately. {{tag> Seasoned}}