====== Illusion ====== ===== Illusion ===== **Rank:** Novice **Power Points:** 3 **Range**: Smarts **Duration:** 5 **Example Trappings:** Holograms, flashpaper, ethereal shapes One of the greatest powers is the ability to create something from nothing—even if it’s not real! Illusion can be used to create a visual scene or replica of most anything the caster can imagine, but it is silent, intangible, and incapable of affecting the real world. For example, illusionary weapons pass through foes, one cannot sit in an illusionary chair, and an illusionary dog has no audible bark. Those who contact an illusion or doubt it’s real make a Smarts roll as a free action (at −2 if the power was activated with a raise). If successful, that individual is no longer subject to this casting. The GM should make group rolls for Extras as they point out the illusion’s inconsistencies to each other. The volume of the illusion must fit within a sphere the size of a Medium Blast Template (4″ or eight yards in diameter). ==== Modifiers ==== === Area of Effect (+1) === The illusion's area of effect is increased to the size of a Large Blast Template. === Mobility (+1) === For +1 Power Point, the illusion can move (and fly) at a Pace of 12 or 24 for +2 Power Points. This is a limited free action. === Sound (+1) === The power generates sound appropriate to the illusion. Illusionary allies may talk, illusionary crows caw, and so on. It may not mask or mute existing sound, however. === Strong (+2) === Smarts rolls to disbelieve the illusion are made at -2. ==== Epic Modifiers ==== === ✪ Deadly Illusion (+3) === The illusion may attack or otherwise cause harm. The caster may use her actions to make the illusion to "attack" an individual. This is an opposed roll of the caster's arcane skill versus the target's Smarts (at -2 if the power was activated with a raise). If the caster wins, the target is Shaken (this cannot cause INcapacitation). With a raise, the target suffers a Wound (this can cause INcapacitation). The caster may attack additional foes as Multi-Actions. She may not use other combat maneuvers, such as Called Shots or Wild Attacks (though it may look that way!) === ✪ Duration (+2) === The Duration is measured in minutes. {{tag> Novice}}