This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Havoc ====== ===== Havoc ===== **Rank:** Novice **Power Points:** 2 **Range**: Smarts **Duration:** Instant **Example Trappings:** Whirlwind, chaotic poltergeists, repulsion field. This ability creates chaos and mischief for all those within its area of effect, hurling debris and rivals in all directions. With success, the caster places a Medium Blast Template anywhere within Range, or a Cone or Stream Template emanating from the caster [[Area Effect Attacks]]. Anyone touched by the template is Distracted and must then make a Strength roll (at −2 if the caster got a raise). Those who fail are hurled 2d6″—directly away from the caster if using the Cone Template or directly away from the center if using a Blast Template (the caster chooses for those in the dead center). Victims who strike a hard object (such as a wall) take 2d4 damage (nonlethal unless it’s a spiked wall or other more dangerous hazard). Airborne Targets: Flying or airborne targets suffer an additional −2 to their Strength rolls as they have no ground to brace themselves on. ==== Modifiers ==== === Area Effect (+1) === Havoc affects a Large Blast Template. ==== Epic Modifiers ==== === ✪ Greater Havoc (+) === Targets are knocked back a total of 3d6" and take 2d6 damage if they strike a hard object. {{tag> Novice}}