Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: 5
Example Trappings: A magic belt, gestures, words of power.
Growth increases the recipient’s Size by 1 for every 2 Power Points spent. Each increase in Size grants the target a one-step increase to Strength and 1 point of Toughness. This does not increase Wounds regardless of change to Scale.
Shrink reduces the Size of the subject one step for every 2 Power Points spent to a maximum of Size −2 (approximately the size of a cat). Each step reduced decreases Strength one die type (minimum of d4) and Toughness by 1 (minimum of 2).
For unwilling targets, the caster’s arcane skill roll is opposed by Spirit.
The power's Duration is measured in minutes instead of rounds.
The target of shrink may retain her normal Strength and Toughness while small.