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Environmental Protection

Environmental Protection

Rank: Novice

Power Points: 2

Range: Smarts

Duration: One hour

Example Trappings: A mark on the forehead, potions, gills.

Adventurers sometimes travel beneath the waves, through planes of fire, or other hazardous environments. This power protects them from crushing depths, scathing heat, intense cold, and even radiation.

Environmental protection allows the target to breathe, speak, and move at his normal Pace in an otherwise fatal environment. It protects him from intense heat, cold, radiation, pressure, and lack of oxygen. A raise increases the Duration to eight hours.


Additional Recipients (+1)

The power may affect more than one target for 1 additional Power Point each.

Environmental Resistance (+1)

The power now offers environmental resistance, reducing damage from one energy source (fire, cold, electricity, etc) by 4 (6 with a raise).