Rank: Novice
Power Points: 1
Range: Smarts
Duration: 5
Example Trappings: A few simple guestures, elaborate dance similar to a martial art.
This power grants basic control over the four traditional elements: air, earth, fire, and water (the elements may vary for other cultures).
Upon activation, the caster may choose one of the following effects:
After activation, each additional use of the effects above are an action. Roll a new arcane skill roll for Attack or Push (these rolls do not suffer Backlash for Critical Failures as they are not activation rolls).
The volume of air, earth, fire, or water affected is tripled, the target of Push suffers a –2 penalty to resist, and the damage of Attack is increased to 2d6 (3d6 on a raise).
The caster can summon or dispel storms, bring a cooling rain, scorch the earth with a heatwave, or even bring snow to the hottest climes. The caster can bring or disperse rain, snow, sun, and wind in about a fivemile radius. The severity depends on the local environment—a harsh desert might receive gentle rain while a rain forest gets a driving downpour. The effects take 10 minutes to create and last an hour.