Rank: Veteran
Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: Instant
Example Trappings: Prayer, whispers, gestures.
Powerful mages, priests, and other arcanists can use this ability to drain magical energy from their foes. With a raise they can even leech the stolen energy for themselves.
The power is opposed by the target’s Spirit, and the caster suffers a −2 penalty to her roll if the target has a different Arcane Background than her own.
Success drains 1d6 of the rival’s Power Points (if any, and the die doesn’t Ace). With a raise, the caster adds the points to her own. This may take her above her usual maximum! They last until used, and must be the first spent when casting.
Drain Power Points can also be used o n an arcane device (the creator still resists with her arcane skill whether she wields it or not). The device can’t lose more Power Points than it has.
The caster drains 2d6 Power Points with success.