Table of Contents



Rank: Novice

Power Points: 1

Range: Smarts

Duration: Instant

Example Trappings: Waving hands, whispered words.

Dispel allows a hero to negate enemy powers. It has no effect on permanent enchantments or natural abilities such as a dragon’s breath or a banshee’s scream. Dispel affects arcane devices normally (see Arcane Devices, page 101). Dispel c an b e used on a power already in effect or to counter an enemy power as it’s being used. The latter requires the countering mage to be on Hold and interrupt his foe’s action.

In either case, dispelling an opponent’s power is an opposed roll of arcane skills. A target using the Mystic Powers Edge or innate powers (see page 164) uses Spirit as its arcane skill.

If the dispelling character wins, the targeted power ends immediately (or fails if it was countered with the usual results of failure). With a raise, t he recipient of t he dispelled power is also Distracted.


Area of Effect (Small) (+1)

The effect covers a Small Blast Template. The caster makes one arcane skill roll and chooses which power on each target is affected. The caster of the affected power opposes with arcane skill. This affects all targets in the area unless the Selective Modifier is used.

Area of Effect (Medium) (+2)

The effect covers a Medium Blast Template. The caster makes one arcane skill roll and chooses which power on each target is affected. The caster of the affected power opposes with arcane skill. This affects all targets in the area unless the Selective Modifier is used.

Area of Effect (Large) (+3)

The effect covers a Large Blast Template. The caster makes one arcane skill roll and chooses which power on each target is affected. The caster of the affected power opposes with arcane skill. This affects all targets in the area unless the Selective Modifier is used.

Multiple Powers (+3)

If successful, the caster dispels all the target’s currently activated powers.

Epic Modifiers

✪ Anti-Magic Field (+8)

Instead of affecting a power at Range, this modifier creates a Medium Blast Template centered on the recipient with a Duration of 5. Magic items, effects, and powers have no effect within the field. Summoned creatures in the field must make a Spirit roll each round or take a Wound. Magically-created objects are unaffected. Anti-Magic Field has no effect on deities or artifacts, and can’t be combined with any other modifiers.

✪ Disenchant (+1)

The caster can target a magical item rather than an individual or a power. This is a standard arcane skill roll, not an opposed roll (the GM may apply a penalty to disenchant powerful items or artifacts). If successful, all the item’s magical abilities are negated for one round, or two with a raise.

✪ Remove Curse (+2)

This ignores the -2 penalty when attempting to end the curse power. Additionally, it can be used to end the effect of cursed items.