Rank: Novice
Power Points: Special
Range: Smarts
Duration: One Hour
Example Trappings: Light that forms the item’s silhouette, reaching into a magic bag, shaping dirt or clay into the item, pulling the item from a drawing or painting.
The caster can create an object weighing up to one pound for every 2 Power Points spent. The item must be a simple, mundane object made of a common material (GM’s call) such as a 10-foot pole, blanket, shield, etc. A raise on the arcane skill roll produces a more durable version of the conjured item.
Conjured items appear in the hands of the caster or on the ground nearby. Once the Duration expires, the item fades from reality. This can cause issues, for example, if the conjured item holds a door open or was given as a gift.
The object is a complete set, such as a chess set or a quiver of arrows. The set must fit under the weight limit.
Instead of an object, every 1 Power Point creates enough food and water to sustain a Size 0 humanoid for one day. The nourishing food is permanent (doesn’t disappear after you eat it), though it decays and is inedible after 24 hours if not consumed. The water is just like clean rainwater and does not spoil.
This costs an additional Power Point per pound. The object’s Duration becomes “permanent” until dispelled. The Power Points are “invested” and unavailable until it’s destroyed, dispelled, or dismissed by the caster. The conjurer may dismiss the object at any time, regardless of sight, distance, or other factors. His Power Points then begin recharging normally.