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Boost/Lower Trait

Boost/Lower Trait

Rank: Novice

Power Points: 3

Range: Smarts

Duration: 5 (boost); Instant (lower)

Example Trappings: Physical change, glowing aura, potions.

This power allows a character to increase or decrease a target’s Trait (attribute or skill).

Boosting an ally’s Trait increases the selected Trait one die type, or two with a raise.

Lowering an enemy’s Trait has a Duration of Instant and lowers the selected attribute or skill a die type with success, or two with a raise (to a minimum of d4). A victim automatically tries to shake off the effect with a Spirit roll as a free action at the end of his following turns. Success improves the effect one die type, and a raise removes the effect entirely.

Additional castings don’t stack on a single Trait (take the highest), but may affect different Traits.


Additional Recipients (+1)

The power may affect more than one target for 1 additional Power Point each.

Strong (+1)

Lower Trait only. The Spirit roll to shake off the effect is made at −2.

Epic Modifiers

✪ Greater Boost/Lower Trait (+)

With success, the selected Trait gains a free reroll once per round, or once per action with a raise. For lower Trait the target applies a −2 penalty to the affected Trait’s rolls.