Rank: Novice
Power Points: Special
Range: Smarts
Duration: 10 minutes
Example Trappings: The caster concentrates and gestures with his hands
This spell allows an individual to speak with and guide the actions of nature’s beasts. The cost to cast is equal to the sum of their Size (minimum 1 per creature; see the creatures in Chapter Six for examples). Controlling five wolves (Size −1) costs 5 points (remember the minimum cost of 1), for example. Controlling a rhino (Size 5) costs 5 points.
Success means the creatures obey simple commands, like a well-trained dog. They attack foes and endanger their lives for their master. A raise on the arcane skill roll means the beasts are more obedient. They won’t kill themselves but overcome their natural fears to follow their orders.
Swarms can also be controlled. Small Swarms cost 1 point, Medium Swarms cost 2, and Large Swarms cost 3.
Beast friend works only on natural creatures with animal intelligence, not humanoids, and has no effect on conjured, magical, or otherwise “unnatural” animals unless the Bestarium MOdifier is applied..
The caster can communicate and sense through any of the beasts he’s befriended.
The base Duration increases to 30 minutes.
The caster may affect magical beasts with animal intelligence.