Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: 5
Example Trappings: Fire, ice, thorns, force, bones, energy.
Barrier creates a straight wall 5″ (10 yards) long and 1″ (two yards) tall, of immobile material that conforms to the surface it’s cast upon. Double the length with a raise.
Thickness varies depending on what the wall is made of, but is usually a few inches.
The wall is Hardness 10 (or 12 with a raise), and may be destroyed as any other object. Each Wound destroys a 1” (2 yard) square section of wall (piercing weapons can’t damage the barrier).
When the spell expires or the wall is broken it crumbles to dust or dissipates. Trappings are never left behind.
The barrier causes 2d4 damage to anyone who contacts it. If the barrier is Immaterial, this modifier costs +0 isntead of +1.
The wall is Hardness 12 (or 14 with a raise).
The barrier forms a circle, square, or rectangle. It can't have a roof or floor, and can't Bind or Entangle anything within (use the entangle power for that).
The length and heigh of the barrier doubles.
Anything can pass through the barrier, its Hardness is 0, and it cannot be destroyed (but still provides concealment).
The barrier causes 2d6 damage. If the barrier is Immaterial, this modifier costs +1 instead of +0.