This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Barrier ====== ===== Barrier ===== **Rank:** Seasoned **Power Points:** 2 **Range**: Smarts **Duration:** 5 **Example Trappings:** Fire, ice, thorns, force, bones, energy. Barrier creates a straight wall 5″ (10 yards) long and 1″ (two yards) tall, of immobile material that conforms to the surface it’s cast upon. Double the length with a raise. Thickness varies depending on what the wall is made of, but is usually a few inches. The wall is Hardness 10 (or 12 with a raise), and may be destroyed as any other object. Each Wound destroys a 1” (2 yard) square section of wall (piercing weapons can’t damage the barrier). When the spell expires or the wall is broken it crumbles to dust or dissipates. Trappings are never left behind. ==== Modifiers ==== === Damage (+1) === The barrier causes 2d4 damage to anyone who contacts it. If the barrier is Immaterial, this modifier costs +0 isntead of +1. === Hardened (+1) === The wall is Hardness 12 (or 14 with a raise). === Shaped (+2) === The barrier forms a circle, square, or rectangle. It can't have a roof or floor, and can't Bind or Entangle anything within (use the entangle power for that). === Size (+1) === The length and heigh of the barrier doubles. === Immaterial (+Special) === Anything can pass through the barrier, its Hardness is 0, and it cannot be destroyed (but still provides concealment). ==== Epic Modifiers ==== === ✪ Deadly (+2) === The barrier causes 2d6 damage. If the barrier is Immaterial, this modifier costs +1 instead of +0. {{tag> Seasoned}}