Table of Contents



Rank: Veteran

Power Points: 3

Range: Smarts

Duration: Instant

Example Trappings: Holy items, arcane symbols, handful of salt.

Banish sends entities from immaterial planes back to their native dimensions. This includes ghosts, demons, elementals, and similar beings (at the GM’s discretion).

Banishing a being is an opposed roll of the caster’s arcane skill versus the target’s Spirit. Success means the target is Shaken, and each raise causes a Wound.

If this Incapacitates the target it returns to its native plane of existence. Banished entities may return when the Game Master feels it’s appropriate, such as the next full moon, when summoned again, or even a few rounds later if it’s a particularly powerful creature under the right conditions or in a location of power.

Exorcism: Binding a powerful entity and then subjecting it to banish allows the caster to vanquish particularly powerful entities.

Epic Modifiers

✪ Area of Effect (Small) (+1)

The power affects everythign in a Small Blast Template.

✪ Area of Effect (Medium) (+2)

The power affects everythign in a Medium Blast Template.

✪ Area of Effect (Large) (+3)

The power affects everythign in a Large Blast Template.