Melee Weapons

Name Damage Min Str Weight Cost Notes
Hand Axe Str + d6 d6 3 6 Thrown Range 3/6/12
Battle Axe Str + d8 d8 6 10
Great Axe Str + d10 d10 12 20 AP 3, Parry -1, Two Hands
Light Club Str + d4 d4 2 1
Heavy Club Str + d6 d6 5 2
Sap Str + d4 d4 1 2 Nonlethal damage.
Daggers & Swords
Bastard Sword Str + d8 d8 6 35 AP 1, may be used Two Hands (if so, deals +1 damage)
Cutlass Str + d6 d4 4 15
Dagger Str + d4 d4 1 2 Can be thrown at range 3/6/12
Falchion Str + d8 d8 8 75 AP 1, may be used Two Hands (if so, deals +1 damage)
Katana Str + d6+1 d6 3 50 Two Hands
Rapier Str + d4 d4 2 20 Parry +1
Scimitar Str + d6 d6 4 15
Great Sword Str + d10 d10 8 50 AP 2, Two Hands
Hook Sword Str + d6 d6 3 20 +1 to Disarm
Long Sword Str + d8 d8 4 15
Short Sword Str + d6 d6 2 10
Maces & Flails
Light Mace Str + d6 d6 4 5
Heavy Mace Str + d8 d8 8 12 AP 1
Morningstar Str + d6 d6 6 8
Flail Str + d6 d6 5 8 Ignores shield bonus
Heavy Flail Str + d8 d8 10 15 Ignores shield bonus, Two Hands
Spears & Polearms
Glaive Str + d8 d8 10 8 Reach 1, Two Hands
Guisarme Str + d6 d6 12 9 AP 1, Reach 1, Two Hands
Halberd Str + d8 d8 12 10 AP 1, Reach 1, Two Hands
Lance Str + d8 d8 10 10 AP 2 when charge, Reach 2, only usable in mounted combat
Mancatcher Str + d4 d6 10 12 Reach 2, Two Hands, no bonus damage on a raise, but the victim is Bound
Pike Str + d8 d8 18 20 AP 1 when set, Reach 2, Two Hands
Ranseur Str + d6 d6 12 10 AP 1, Reach 1
Short Spear Str + d6 d6 3 1 One-handed, can be thrown at range 4/8/16
Spear Str + d6 d6 6 2 Reach 1, Parry +1 if used with Two Hands, can be thrown at range 3/6/12
Trident Str + d6 d6 4 15 Reach 1, can be thrown at range 3/6/12
Warhammer Str + d6 d6 5 12 AP 1
Maul Str + d10 d10 10 12 AP 2, Two Hands, +2 damage to break objects
Other Weapons
Quarterstaff Str + d4 d4 4 Parry +1, Reach +1, Two Hands
Scythe Str + d6 d6 10 18 Two Hands
Sickle Str + d4 d4 2 3
Exotic Weapons
Meteor Hammer Str + d6 d6 5 12 Reach 2, ignore shield bonus, Two Hands
Chakram Str + d4 d4 1 1 Parry +1, can be thrown with a range of 4/8/16
Spiked Chain Str + d6 d6 6 8 AP 1, ignores shield bonus, Two Hands
Spiked Gauntlet Str + d6 d6 1 5 +1 to Strength roll vs Disarm
Whip Str + d4 d4 2 5 Parry -1, Reach 2, With a raise on the attack roll, the victim may be Entangled instead of rolling bonus damage.