====== Outsider (Major/Minor) ====== ===== Outsider (Major/Minor) ===== In a society made up of only a few types of people, your hero isn’t one of them. A Native American in a Western town, an alien in a scifi game of human marines, or a half-orc in a party of elves, dwarves, and humans are all examples. Locals are likely to raise prices on her, ignore pleas for help, and generally treat her as lower class. Outsiders subtract 2 from Persuasion rolls made to influence those who aren’t her own kind. The Major version also means the character has few or no legal rights in the main campaign area. She might be a different species among xenophobes, the civilization may be cruel and unenlightened toward strangers, or she might even be an artificial intelligence whose sapience isn’t acknowledged by the law. {{tag>Major_Hindrance Minor_Hindrance Default_Hindrance}}