====== Material Components (Major) ====== ===== Material Components (Major) ===== This Hindrance may only be taken by those with an Arcane Background. The spellcaster’s powers consume material items. Maybe a wizard needs a piece of brimstone to cast a fireball (blast with a fire Trapping) or a priestess needs a splash of holy water for her goddess to grant smite. Such items are assumed to be at hand— usually in a pocket, bag, or convenient pouch. If the caster is ever stripped of her possessions and can’t get the materials she needs, she can’t activate her powers. A caster also runs out of material components if she rolls a Critical Failure while casting and reduces all arcane skill rolls by 4 until they’re replenished (50gp x the caster’s Rank at a shop or a day’s worth of gathering or foraging in an appropriate environment with a Survival roll per Rank). {{tag>Major_Hindrance Default_Hindrance}}