This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Habit (Major/Minor) ====== ===== Habit (Major/Minor) ===== Your warrior has an annoying or dangerous compulsion. A Minor Habit irritates those around her but isn’t dangerous. Maybe she picks her nose, can’t stop fiddling with her phone, says “y’know” in the middle of every sentence, or chews and smacks her gum loudly and often. Allies avoid her if possible. A Major Habit is a physical or mental addiction of some sort that is debilitating or possibly even deadly. This includes drug use, chronic drinking, or perhaps even an addiction to virtual reality in a hightech setting. An addict who doesn’t get his fix must make a Vigor roll every 24 hours he goes without or take a level of Fatigue. Once every 24 hours, a Healing roll with some sort of appropriate medicine removes one level of Fatigue for four hours. After that the Fatigue returns and can only be recovered with the addicting substance. {{tag>Physical_Hindrance 62df481bfb02411cab15ed61_Hindrance Major_Hindrance Minor_Hindrance Default_Hindrance}}