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Some hazards, stress, powers, or circumstances may cause Fatigue instead of damage. This represents mental stress or minor but lingering injuries that make a person less effective. Fatigue stacks until the victim is Incapacitated.


Unless otherwise specified by the source, Fatigue and Exhaustion improve one level per hour. Incapacitated characters are helpless 95 Rul es and may be unconscious (GM’s call) for 2d6 hours. If treatment is possible (food, water, etc., depending on the source of Fatigue), and a Healing roll is made, the character improves to Exhausted.

Mixed Fatigue: If a hero suffers Fatigue from different sources with different recovery times, remove one level when the effect with the shortest duration expires, then another level when the longest expires.


Fatigue from hunger, thirst, etc., sometimes has different recovery conditions. See Hazards.